Author Archives: Fareed Dibazar

About Fareed Dibazar

Fareed Dibazar is a graduate student in his final year at the Keck School of Medicine at USC. Having completed his undergraduate work in Biology (BS) and Political Science (BA) at the University of California at San Diego, he currently conducts research both as Jr. Data Manager (or "Data Czar") for USC's Center for Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivorship and alongside Dr. Michael Cousineau studying alternative payment reform and health disparities in the California Hospital Safety Net System. A native Arizonan, Fareed's hobbies and interests outside of academia include perfecting the art of Southwestern Barbecue, gardening, painting miniatures, fitness, and training his cat Charles "Charlie" MacMittens as a therapy animal on the weekends. After graduate school, Fareed hopes to continue working in Healthcare Finance Reform and eventually continue his education to realize a life-long dream of becoming a physician. You can follow him on Twitter @fdibazar or Instagram @dibazarfareed.

School Health Policy Series: Part 2 – Athletic Trainers in Schools: An Unexpected Battleground for Scope of Practice

By | December 2, 2019

It is impossible to bring up a discussion of school sports without mentioning the great bogeyman of sports-related injuries: concussions. The number of concussions has been on the decline in recent years. But a recent estimate suggests that there are still about 4 concussions per 10,000 athletic exposures in high schools. An athletic exposure is… Read More »