Author Archives: Elizabeth Adams, Kelli Komro, and Erin Bonar

About Elizabeth Adams, Kelli Komro, and Erin Bonar

Professor Komro is a social and behavioral epidemiologist focused on promoting child and adolescent health and reducing health disparities driven by racial and economic inequities. For over 25 years, she has led NIH-funded group-randomized trials to study family, school, community, and policy solutions to protect youth from risks associated with alcohol and drug use. She has conducts legal epidemiology research, including natural experiments, to study health effects of state laws related to family economic security.

A Renewed Outlook on Substance Use Prevention

An Opportunity to Get Ahead of the Overdose Crisis For many Americans, drug use ‘prevention’ conjures memories of early public health campaigns using fearsome imagery and catchy slogans to deter substance use. Campaigns implored youth to “just say no” to drugs, and the public received stark warnings: “this is your brain on drugs.”